Good Things

16 Mar

I’ve been around now for 40 years and it wouldn’t have been possible without two things: 1) wonderful people who care about me and the world; and 2) a purpose and plan to do good. What I want to do for my 40th year is to celebrate the good things my friends and family do that inspire me everyday. Doing Good isn’t always easy, it isn’t even always clear what Good really is, but I believe the more Good we bring to life, the better the living. Life is not always pleasant, but it is because of the Good Things that we keep at it.

So, to celebrate Good, I am asking friends and family to take time over the next 40 days to do something Good and tell me about it. I will collect the stories and photos and publish them here each day, along with stories of 40 Good Things I’m happy to have in my life.

If you are inspired by this to do a Good Thing, please let me know in the comments or e-mail me at 40goodthings at gmail dot com!

One Response to “Good Things”

  1. Jeanette Hrovatich March 19, 2013 at 3:06 am #

    Thanks for the invite! I will think of my good thing and post it when I have it! In the meantime…Happy Birthday!

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